ENDOMED TECNOLOGHIES S.A.C was founded on July 10, 2014, Lima - Peru. It is dedicated to the importation and distribution of medical equipment and devices in the specialties of: Gastroenterology, Pneumology, Urology, Interventional Radiology and Hematology.
Since its inception, it has proposed the task of distributing Medical Devices and Devices, of the best quality for its clients, both in the public and private sectors. In this way be on par with our competitors already positioned in the country and occupy a strategic position in the market.
In recent years we are more present in the field of Equipment and Medical Devices. Committing ourselves to customer satisfaction, complying with national and international quality standards.
About us +XXIX International Course of the Peruvian Japanese Policlinic First Inclusion in workshops in the Area...
The Academic Association of Urology of the Health of the Armed Forces and National...
International Congress of Nursing in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy
It will be held from August...